Acupuncture, The newest Professional alternative therapy offered in BodyKore (Monaghan). Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine. It is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practiced for over 2,000 years. It uses the bodies natural qualities to help restore balance, strength & harmony.
TCM explains that health is a result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of “Yin” and “Yang” of the life force known as “QI”. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. It involves inserting a sterile, single use needle into certain points of the body.
According to traditional Chinese philosophy out health is dependent on the bodys motivating energy which is known as Qi. It moves in a smooth & balanced way through a series of meridians/pathways below the skin. This Qi can be disturbed by physical, mental & emotional factors – stress, nutrition, weather conditions, trauma, hereditary factors, infections etc. By inserting this needles into these channels we can stimulate the body’s own healing process to restore its natural balance & harmony, by unblocking the flow of Qi.
Acupuncture is well known for its success in alleviating pain but also can be used when one is well to manage stress and maintain health. Nowadays we spend so much time racing around we don’t listen to what out body is telling us. During your consultation all information is important even if it doesn’t seem relevant to help us bring your body back to health.
You may be advised to make some lifestyles changes in order to manage your condition and look after your body.
For those who never experienced acupuncture before the thought of laying down poked with needles may not sound very relaxing, but committing to a regular acupuncture treatment is an easy, low maintenance habit to help deal with pain & chronic stress. Some leading doctors now believe that most illness is caused by stress and diet. There is a huge link between Body & Mind and Stress & Disease.
Those taking blood thinners should check with their doctors before having acupuncture. It is essential to let your acupuncturist know if you are or suspect that you may be pregnant. Acupuncture is not recommended within six weeks of having a cortisone injection.